Expungement vs. Petition for Non-Disclosure

An expungement is the removal of any and all records or references to a criminal arrest, charge or prosecution.You can only get an expungement in Texas if your case was dismissed, you were found not guilty, or an indictment was not executed. Also,The statute of limitations has to have run.

A  petition for non-disclosure seals the criminal arrest, charge or prosecution from the public, but it is still accessible to law enforcement agencies and certain licensing agencies. You are eligible for a petition for non-disclosure if you received deferred adjudication probation and successfully completed it.  The statute of limitations has to have run. If it is a felony you must be off of probation for 5 years before applying.  Also, the offense charged cannot be one of the cases prohibited from non-disclosure such as murder, DWI, or sex assault.

There are several other factors to be considered when determining qualifications.

If you would like to learn more about the statute of limitations and how it applies to your case, or if you need your criminal record expunged, contact expungement attorney Sharita Blacknall at 214-678-9111.

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